Serving the Lord

Do you want to be more active in the Celebration of the Mass?

We invite you to prayerfully consider participating in one of our many Liturgical Ministries. From behind-the-scenes preparation to active leading of the congregation; from small children to the most seasoned members of our community; there’s a place for everyone at our “table.”

  • Altar Linens

    The Altar Linens Ministry launders and takes care of all of the linens needed during the celebration of the Eucharist to ensure they are ready for use in our liturgies. Volunteers pick up the used linens from the Church at the beginning of each week to wash and iron. The linens are returned to the church by the end of the week. The time commitment us usually 2-3 hours each month.

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Kathy Martz | 303-229-2028

  • Altar Servers

    Altar Servers assist the Celebrant before and during Mass, especially during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Under the direction of the Sacristans, they help set the credence table and assist in cleaning up afterward. Training is provided. Requirements include: At least in 4th Grade Active members of the parish Mature enough to serve with honor and dignity.

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Megan Nagel | 720-419-0133

  • A/V Ministry

    The A/V Ministry also supports the Mass by ensuring everyone can be heard and understood. These behind-the-scene ministers help set-up, monitor sound and run slide presentations during various events at Pax Christi, especially liturgical celebrations. Volunteers receive training and usually only serve 2-3 hours/month.

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Christy Felcyn | 720-419-0124

  • Baptismal Garments

    This special ministry began with the first baptism at Pax Christi in the early 1990s. Ministers embroider the names of the children baptized in our parish onto baptismal garments, which are them framed and displayed in the Great Hall. The time commitment us usually about 30 minutes each month, 5-10 times per year.

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Julie Storick | 303-746-6200

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs)

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, or EMHCs for short, assist the priest or bishop in distributing Holy Communion during the celebration of the Eucharist. These “extraordinary ministers” receive specialized training and instruction to ensure that they know what to do with the precious body and blood of Christ in every situation. EMHCs can choose to serve in a variety of ways: at Mass on Sundays, in nearby hospitals, or at individuals’ homes or residential facilities. Click here to learn more.

  • Hospitality

    A Hospitality Minister is a God-centered host/hostess who sees an opportunity to see Jesus in everyone who walks through our doors. They are often the first face that parishioners and visitors see at Pax Christi. Hospitality Ministers’ responsibilities include: greet people and offer assistance, distribute the offertory baskets, guide Communion lines, hand out bulletins and say goodbye after Mass, straighten missals and pews in preparation for the next service. Children and parents can serve together. Teens and adults are welcome to join as individual ushers. The time commitment is usually only 1 – 2 Masses per month with initial training and annual update training.

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Tim Briese | 719-338-9192

  • Lectors

    Lectors bring the living Word of God to the assembly of the Church at Mass. God speaks to the gathered faithful through their proclamation of the Word. Readers are expected to prepare spiritually through prayer and meditation, and working to understand, enunciate and pronounce the Scripture to clearly and effectively proclaim the Word to the congregation. They are asked to commit to 4-5 Masses per quarter. Training and support are provided. 

    Requirements include:

    • Fully initiated into the Catholic Church
    • Graduated from 8th grade

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Megan Nagel | 720-419-0133

  • Music

    Music is a beautiful form of prayer. The music for each Mass furthers the message of the Gospel, offers praise to God, and inspires parishioners. Soloists, choir members, accompanists, and instrumentalists who would like to share their gift and love of music

    are welcome.

    Children’s Choir | Meets weekly on Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m. 

    Adult Choir | Meets weekly on Wednesdays 7:15-9:00 p.m.

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Christy Felcyn | 720-419-0124

  • Sacristans

    Sacristans assure the security of the Blessed Sacrament and Church; set up for both liturgies during Mass; and assist the Celebrant and other liturgical ministers to prepare for the orderly conduct of the Mass. They also assist in the training and guidance of the Altar Servers. Orientation and training are provided. 

    Requirements include:

    • Fully initiated into the Catholic Church Faithful and practicing Catholic
    • Registered parishioner at Pax Christi
    • Approved by the Pastor or Director of Liturgy

    For more information or to volunteer, contact: Jimmy DeLurgio | 303-564-7087