Please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us if there's something we can help you with. If we can't help, we'll do our best to direct you to someone who can!
Our Staff
Fr. Andrzej Szczesnowicz, S.T.L.
720-419-0122I can help with:
- Sacraments
- Funerals
- Pastoral Counseling
- and more
Please contact my assistant, Linda, to schedule time with me.
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Dcn. Tom Sandusky
720-419-0111I can help with:
- Spiritual Direction
- Ignatian Spirituality
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Dcn. Garrett Christnacht
720-419-0111I can help with:
- Scriptural interpretation
- Scripture-based bible studies
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Lisa Walker
Business Manager
720-419-0123I can help with:
- Online giving setup and questions
- Purchase reimbursements for ministry leaders
- Charitable donation/tax information
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Nicole Boyer
Director of Youth & Young Adult Formation
I can help with:
- Confirmation
- Middle School Youth Group
- High School Youth Group
- Young Adult Ministry
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Nicholas Boyer
Director of Youth & Young Adult Formation
I can help with:
- Confirmation
- Middle School Youth Group
- High School Youth Group
- Young Adult Ministry
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Roberto Chavez
Director of Evangelization
720-419-0132I can help with:
- New Members of the Parish
- Faith Formation Programs
- Faith Exploration Programs
- Marriage Preparation
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Amanda Davis Smith
Director of Communications & Youth Ministry Administration
720-419-0103I can help with:
- Publicizing events via the newsletter, weekly emails, social media, etc.
- Ministry and Parish design needs
- Youth Ministry Administration
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Christy Felcyn
Director of Music
720-419-0124I can help with:
- Liturgical Ministry scheduling
- Music volunteers
- A/V Ministry
- Funeral planning
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Dee Hata
Records Assistant
303-799-1036I can help with:
- Baptisms
- Sacramental Records (Baptism, Marriage, Funerals, Confirmation, First Communion)
- Safe Environment Training (Virtus)
- Database updates
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Mike Hutchinson
Facilities Director
720-419-0130I can help with:
- Fixing broken stuff
- Grounds and facility improvements
- Ongoing maintenance issues
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Cali Miodonski
Children's Faith Formation Assistant
720-419-0127I can help with:
- Religious education for kids and parents
- Sacrament preparation for First Reconcilation and First Communion
- Vacation Bible School
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Jan Morgan
Hospitality Assistant
303-799-1036I can help with:
- Finding the right person for what you need
- Ordering supplies for the kitchen and office
- Scheduling Mass intentions
- Room reservations
- Coordinating office volunteers
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Mary Muldoon
Director of Adult Formation
720-419-0129I can help with:
- Adult bible studies and other adult Faith Formation
- Becoming Catholic
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Megan Nagel
Director of Liturgy and Spiritual Director
720-419-0133I can help with:
- Liturgical seasons and planning
- Liturgical ministries & training
- Altar Server training
- Prayer services
- Funeral Services
- Anything having to do with the Mass
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Jim Peters
Adult Formation Assistant
720-419-0129I can help with:
- Becoming Catholic
- Bible Studies
- Alpha
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Daniel Quartararo
Worship Leader
I can help with:
- Rise Band music, rehearsals, etc.
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Kelly Schimmoller
Director of Stewardship and Ministry Liason
303-799-1036I can help with:
- Ministry needs, including room reservations
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Julie Smith
Director of Children's Faith Formation
720-419-0127I can help with:
- Religious Education for families with kids in K-5th grades
- Sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
- Vacation Bible School
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Lori Breedlove
Ministry Liaison & Hospitality Assistant
I can help with:
- Ministry needs, including room reservations
- Finding the right person for what you need
- Ordering supplies for the kitchen and office
- Scheduling Mass intentions
- Room reservations
- Coordinating office volunteers
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Jennifer Tucker
Director/Principal of Pax Christi Catholic Preschool
720-419-0128I can help with:
- Enrollment questions
- School faculty and staff
- Curriculum questions
- School tours
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Linda Van Matre
Executive Assistant to the Pastor & Chief of Staff
720-419-0131I can help with:
- Scheduling meetings with Father Andrzej
- Staff needs
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