
There are many opportunities to serve here at Pax, both within our church as well as our community and world at large. From providing food and meals to the homeless, to making warm blankets for people battling cancer and other illnesses—even helping people across the world—our community is actively spreading God’s love to our neighbors.

Click here to serve the Lord
(Liturgical Ministries)

Altar Linens | Altar Servers | A/V Ministry | Baptismal Garments | EMHCs | Hospitality | Lectors | Music | Sacristans 

Click here to serve our parish

Card-Making Ministry | Finance Council | Money Counters | Nursery Workers | Office Volunteers | Parish Council | Holy Grounds | Wedding Coordination

Click here to serve our community
(Social Justice)

Friends of Maggie | The Gabriel Project | Helping Hands | Knights of Columbus | Lunch Bunch | Project Linus | Respect Life Apostolate | St. Elizabeth’s Pantry | St. Vincent de Paul Society

Click here to serve our world
(Social Justice)

Haiti Outreach | Prayer Ministries