
  • Before School 7:30-8:30 /After School Care 3:30-5:00
  • Tuition Assistance and Scholarships Available
  • 5% Student Discounts for Two or More Children

Start the Application Process Here

Registration Options & Fee Schedule

HALF DAY Preschool/PreK Classes

(8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

Option A: A.M. 2 mornings – T/TH $400/month

Option B: A.M. 3 mornings – M/W/F $520/month

Option C: A.M. 5 mornings – M/T/W/TH/F $695/month

FULL DAY Preschool/PreK

(8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

Option D: 2 full days – T/TH $485/month

Option E: 3 full days – M/W/F $625/month

Option F: full days – M/T/W/TH/F $825/month

Preschool – Must be 2.5 and FULLY Potty Trained

PreK – Must be 4 prior to October 1st


We are delighted to let you know about scholarship awards available to our Pax Christi Preschool families each year.   

KOC Scholarship

The Wives of the Knights of Columbus at Pax Christi who have made this Award available in memory of Arlene Bena a beloved past member of the Parish. The scholarship is for $250 and would go towards tuition. The scholarship is open to new applicants every year. The scholarship, as you can see, is not needs-based but is awarded to a qualifying family. If you are interested, please click this Scholarship Link to download, print and complete the application.

Bishop's Scholarship Fund

You may also apply for the Bishop's Scholarship Fund for tuition assistance. This is a Diocesan-funded program based off of the yearly Returning God's Gifts Campaign. Funds will be distributed based off of need (see image below). The application can be found at the FACTS registration page

Universal PreK

Unfortunately we are not able to accept Universal PreK yet as the language in the agreement doesn't align with our Christian faith. Please stay tuned for an update.

Return to the Preschool Home Page 

“There has been no better place than {Pax Christi Catholic Preschool} to foster faith formation and top-quality academic growth for our daughters. The school shows that it truly values every child and supports each of their individual needs. Choosing {this school} was the best decision we have ever made."

-Sarah Neguse