Respect Life Apostolate

The mission of Pax Christi Respect Life Committee is, by their actions and the causes they support, to promote the dignity and worth of every person, from conception to natural death. This is a reflection of our faith, deeply rooted in the Gospel, and in the love of Christ the Redeemer, the Lord of Life. We execute this mission by engaging the parish in prayer, education, and activities designed to deepen our understanding of Life in all of its stages, show our loving support for all who choose Life, and express our Catholicity. 

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Our Events

  • National Night of Prayer for Life

    The National Night of Prayer for Life, held the evening of December 8th has been celebrated in hundreds of parishes across the nation and this year marks its 31st anniversary praying to convert America’s heart to cherish Life. The prayer bridges the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and that of St. Juan Diego. Click here for a prayer guide do participate at home.

  • 40 Days for Life

    The 40 Days for Life campaign tracks Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities … and the entire world. From Noah in the flood to Moses on the mountain to the disciples after Christ’s resurrection, it is clear that God sees the transformative value of His people accepting and meeting a 40-day Prayer challenge. Click here to subscribe to the daily devotional emails.

  • Spiritual Adoption

    Spiritual Adoption is a prayer for a child in danger of abortion in its mother’s womb. Spiritual Adoption lasts 9 months and consists of saying a special prayer for an unborn child, together with one of the parts of the rosary. To the prayer, you add a small chosen sacrifice or additional prayer. At Pax Christi, we start the Spiritual Adoption on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, March 25th, and continue the everyday prayer, one part of the rosary and an additional sacrifice each day until Christmas (9 months later).

  • Walk for Life

    The first Saturday in June, Life Network holds its “Walk For Life” fundraiser in Colorado Springs. Pax Christi sponsors a walk in the vicinity of the parish at the same time. Contributions made are given to Life Network in Colorado Springs. The walk is an opportunity to enhance the fellowship of the Respect Life community at Pax Christi. Our goal is to get other parish groups, such as the Knights of Columbus and the youth groups involved. This provides an opportunity to enhance the fellowship at the parish as well as show support for life.

  • Baby Bottle Drive

    During October, which is Respect Life Month, we hand out baby bottles for people to use to donate money to Alternatives Pregnancy Center. The Baby Bottle Drive is an easy way for families to get involved with the Respect Life Apostolate and have discussions with their kids about the sanctity of life and respecting life in all of its stages. The Baby Bottle Drive leads into the Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving Food Project and helps deliver the message that one of our responsibilities as a Respect Life Committee is to never be indifferent to poverty, violence or injustice.

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  • Roger Giudici

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  • Dave Petteys

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  • Sue Giudici

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  • Denise McGinnis

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  • Mike McGinnis

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  • Herb Engler

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  • Yvonne Engler

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