The Parish Council serves as an advisory group to the pastor, ensuring the needs and the interests of the parish community are addressed, and assisting him in setting direction for the parish. Individual council members also serve as liaisons for the various parish ministries to the overall council to ensure that any concerns or potential assistance they may need can be addressed.  

Current council members are listed below.

Apply to join our council here!

  • Gerri Nowick

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  • Paul Goebel

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  • Lesca Grant

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  • Jean Henry


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  • Molly Lecheler

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  • Herrick Lidstone

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  • Megan Nagel

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  • Gerri Nowicki

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  • Paul Sciera

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  • Dennis Thumann

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  • Marianne Stauber

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  • Fr. Andrzej Szczesnowicz


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